Clients´ statement

„An exhibition is hardly a place to educate, but to motivate.“
The core exhibition will be an exhibition of science and technology rather than an exhibition about science and technology. This is a critical distinction as it requires an overall experience that involves interaction with real objects, real processes, real experiments, real phenomena, real people and novel environments. Visitors will be given first-hand experiences rather than second-hand accounts of the products of scientific or technological endeavour as they follow their own paths of exploration and discovery through an exhibition landscape full of engaging, intriguing, delightful and memorable activities.

(Briefing, Dr. Graham Durant)

Glasgow Science Centre – attraction of the future

Glasgow Science Centre, the £75 million Millennium Project taking shape on the south bank of the Clyde at Pacific Quay, is using Scotland’s Travel Trade Fair to announce itself as the leading Scottish attraction of the future.
The project, recipient of the largest single co-funded by a variety of bodies including the Glasgow Development Agency. ScottishPower’s support is for the Centre’s Space Theatre, a 120-seat state-of-the-art domed theatre showing astronomy and laser shows. Its involvement was welcomed by the centre and endorsed by Henry McLeish.
“This alliance is a model for our partnership with Scottish business”, said Paul Smith, Glasgow Science Centre’s Chief Executive. “In choosing to be associated with the Centre Scottish Power has signalled it is a forward-looking company which cares about educational and cultural provision, and I know that our alliance with them will guarantee a world-class resource for teachers and parents.”
Sir Ian Robinson, Scottish Power Chief Executive, said “This is a major investment in the Millennium for ScottishPower. As a company which daily utilises advances in science for the benefit of its businesses and customers throughout the UK, we are delighted to help develop what is going to be a major national resource for the promotion of science, especially among young people. We will also look forward to utilising the Space Theatre in the education and training activities organised through our own learning company, ScottishPower Learning.”
This announcement takes place during National Science Week, organised by the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Further information on Science Week can be found at the BAAS’s website at

1) The Glasgow Science Centre is a £75m Millennium project, the largest of its type in the UK and the second largest Millennium project in Scotland. It is located on a riverside site alongside the River Clyde on the former site of the Glasgow Garden Festival, which has lain derelict since 1988. The site is in the district of Govan, an area recognised as likely to benefit from substantial investment. The centre will create up to 600 construction jobs and approximately 120 jobs once fully operational in Spring 2001.
2) GSC’s core funders are: · The Millennium Commission · Glasgow Development Agency · Scottish Enterprise · The European Union through Strathclyde European Partnership · Glasgow City Council

The development of the Glasgow Science Centre is being part-financed by the European Union through the 1997-99 Western Scotland Objective 2 Programme. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) grant of £19.754M is the largest single grant in the history of the Structural Funds in Western Scotland. This award is made in anticipation of the major catalyst effect anticipated for the wider regeneration of the urban river corridor and compliments the Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre and Glasgow Tall Ship on the north bank – both previous ERDF recipients.

Offene Räume / Open Spaces


Buch- und Covergestaltung sowie Produktionsabwicklung für die Dokumentation eines Kunst- und Architekturprojekts im Auftrag der “KulturRegion Stuttgart”.

Das Buch ist erschienen in der Edition Axel Menges, Stuttgart/London, ISBN 3-930698-99-4. Herausgeber des Buches und Betreuer des mehrmonatigen Projekts waren Jochem Schneider und Christine Baumgärtner. Hardcover, 30×22,5 cm, 218 Seiten.

Audi, Autostadt Wolfsburg


Von François Confino aus Lussan, Frankreich, der die Gesamtkonzeption des Audi Pavillons entwarf, erhielten wir den Auftrag für das Styling und Graphik Design in den Räumlichkeiten. Wir entwickelten die Geschichte von Max und Clara (den virtuellen Bewohnern des Pavillons) weiter, indem wir behutsam und beinahe unauffällig ihre Spuren in das Ambiente einbrachten.

Clara´s Negligé, das wie zufällig auf dem Bett liegt gehörte genauso dazu, wie eine kleine “Post-it” Nachricht, die Max auf der Türe des Kühlschranks klebte.


Mobile Tradition


Grossbilder für den Bereich “Mobile Tradition” mit Inszenierung historischer BMW-Fahrzeuge im Auftrag von merz sauter zimmermann. Einzelkojen in der Halle 906, BMW, München

BMW’s new historical workshop, located in a historical building, is a successful combination of history, tradition and the real world of work in the „Mobile Tradition“ section. „Rolling platforms“: mobile, multipurpose islands on various themes such as series production, aeroplane engines, motorcycles etc. make history come to life. With our attention to details – such as a realistic copy of a workbench right down to the furnishings – we have excelled all standards.



Eine temporäre Medien-Architektur-Installation die, beginnend in Stuttgart, an verschiedenen Standorten in Europa inszeniert wurde. Initiatoren: Ursula Kraft, Paris / Argonaut, Stuttgart / LAB F AC, Paris.
Unser Beitrag war die Entwicklung der Corporate Identity und die Gestaltung des 3-sprachigen Katalogs, 36 Seiten 4c, Wire-O Bindung, 3 Ausfaltbogen nach beiden Seiten.

“Plastik Malen”


Eigenpublikation Claus Laemmle Bueroplasz. Katalog zur “Debütantenausstellung”, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart.

Das Budget für die Publikation wurde nicht, wie bis dahin üblich, für die Beauftragung eines Grafik-Design Büros verwendet, sondern zur Anschaffung eines eigenen Macs, um die Publikation selbst zu gestalten und die digitalen Druckvorlagen herzustellen.

Erschienen in der Edition Cantz, ISBN 3-89322-119-0, 32 Seiten, 24×30 cm. Der Katalog begründete eine ganze Serie vergleichbarer Bücher von “Debütanten” der Akademie, alle erschienen im Verlag Cantz.

und 15.11.1997 “Tribute to Fangio”


Ausstellung und Abendveranstaltung mit honorigen Gästen aus der internationalen Rennsportwelt im Mercedes-Benz Museum Stuttgart. Die Veranstaltungen wurden von HG Merz und merz sauter zimmermann konzipiert und durchgeführt.

Wir waren für die graphische Konzeption verantwortlich. Vom Aufkleber bis zur Einladungskarte, Tischdekoration, Menuekarten, Flyer etc.