Salon S

It took us more than a year to complete this project. Due to Covid, there were countless delays and setbacks. Now we are on the verge of completion of a fancy reception counter with a golden fabric skirt – test setup in the carpentry shop. Pictures © Kiesewalter Holzwerkstatt


Sustainable Chemical Production with Electricity. 
University of Stuttgart establishes research initiative CHEMampere. The concept of the new Stuttgart Research Initiative is based on the use of electricity from renewable sources, such as wind and solar, to activate the aforementioned ubiquitous non-fossil raw materials CO2, H2O, O2, and N2. The research initiative focuses on three electrical production technologies: Plasma Technology, Electrolytic Processes and Electrically Heated Reactors.

We have been working on corporate design issues and are currently designing the logo and a set of icons for CHEMampere


New project: working on the design of the new ClimateChangeTheatre @ Science North, Ontario Canada. Collaboration with Show Communications, Kingston / Canada

Edmonton: Apollo 17 theatre

apollo 17 floorplan
apollo 17 screenshot scrib

TELUS World of Science Edmonton, Ontario has plans to redesign part of its space gallery. Owning a moon rock from Apollo 17 mission drove us to start the design for an “Apollo 17 multi media theatre” together with Cochrane Show Communication from Kingston. More to come soon.

Ceiling Lamps called Radius


New in the studio! We are just prototyping a series of ceiling lamps which are handcrafted thanks to a team from ERZGEBIRGE. The fixtures are hand painted with several layers of glossy black pr white paint (we are thinking of other colours too). The height of this model is around 820mm.

ARENA2036 Meet & Greet


State Government, Science and Industry. How things definitely pick up speed!  After designing the corporate identity for ARENA2036 earlier this year,  we were then asked to plan and create the event celebrating of the incorporation of ARENA2036 in Stuttgart.  ARENA2036 just might be the world´s most innovative joint venture: where both the design of the car of the future and its production methods, such as “knitting” bodies with robots, are brought together. The “meet and greet” event was held at a testing facility on the campus of Stuttgart University – more than 150 Vips of the Baden-Wurttemberg State Government, DLR, Fraunhofer Institute, University and industry representatives from Bosch, Daimler, Festo and others. We assisted with obtaining the planing permission and delivered the detailed exhibition design and graphics.

Wandschränkchen Schloß Lauterbach


Zwei Einbauschränkchen. Henry van de Velde hat bei seiner Gestaltung des “Stichflurs” vom Vestibül zum Gartensaal den Einbau eines Wandschranks mit einer gerundeten Lamperie im Zwischenraum vorgesehen. Wahrscheinlich hat er auch das dazugehörige Einbaumöbel entworfen, doch davon fehlt leider jede Spur. In diesem Fall gibt es auch keine historischen Dokumente, die Rückschluss auf die Gestaltung geben könnten. Einzig das Farbkonzept konnte nachgewiesen werden.

Wir haben dafür zwei Schränkchen entworfen, die die Aussparung an der Wand aufnehmen. Zurückhaltend aber zeittypisch haben wir die Türen mit Kreuzsprossen und grünem Kathedralglas gestaltet. Die Lamperie besteht aus gebogenem Fliegersperrholz und wurde gemäss der Farbbefunde in leicht grünlichem Weiss lackiert.

Doctor´s practise


“Work in progress”. Just a few days left to finish the interior. The picture shows the welcome desk with a sandstone surface. We found a contractor in Porta Westfalica who was able to deliver 2 mm thin, highly flexible layers of stone. The stone is water jet cutted from big blocks. Size of the panels 1.15 x 2.85 m. Grand Opening 2nd week of December.

Nur noch wenige Tage bis zur Fertigstellung des Innenausbaus der Praxis. Empfangsbereich: Counter mit einer gebogenen Oberfläche aus Sandstein. Wir haben einen Lieferanten in Porta Westfalica gefunden, der in der Lage ist, 2 mm dünne, hochflexible “Schichten” per Wasserstrahl von grossen Sandsteinblöcken zu schneiden. Die einzelnen “Platten” haben die Rohabmessung 1.15 x 2.85 m. Eröffnung in der 2ten Dezemberwoche.

Arztpraxis Entrée

Concept and design of a doctor´s surgery (see more posts at “Praxis Drs. Bernau”. This will be the entrance and reception. Colour consultancy, reception and waiting area design are ready to go. We almost finished the detailed design brief, floor plans, and interior design. Construction has started and we look forward to getting some photos on the site in a couple of weeks!

Gesamtkonzeption und Design einer Arztpraxis (siehe “Projects: Praxis Drs. Bernau”). Die Planung für den Eingangs- und Empfangsbereich sind abgeschlossen und das Gestaltungskonzept für die Inneneinrichtung ist bereit zur Umsetzung. Die Konstruktion der Einbauten hat bereits begonnen und in kürze gibt es Bilder dazu.

Northern Uniform


We redevelopped the Corporate Design for our client Northern Uniform, a big privately owned Canadian company providing premier uniform rental and dirt control solutions to companies all over Canada. The contract includes implementation of the new design for company vans, tractors & trailers, stationery, business cards, adds etc. A new color code was also part of the job

Science Village Interior


Science Village, Timmins – Interior Design Development, 1st step: Definition of general approach

Currently we are working on the design development of a Science Center in a heritage building downtown Timmins, Canada. The challenge: Create a variety of useable spaces for programs that create visual interest and pique curiosity. Recommend a layout which facilitates ease of operation and building functionality.

The proposal is based on the use of a track system to create up to five distinct activity zones for main floor of facility. Using a ceiling mounted track system – partitions can be freely moved and rearranged to create distinct zones.

Advantages: • Curtains can be configured to create zones in different locations and zones of different sizes. Two track system allows overlay of different materials • Temperature control of main entrance can be achieved. • Creates visual interest and makes the space feel larger by making parts of the facility visible and hiding other areas • Can be used as signage system to label workshops and activities • Provides acoustic and visual barriers enabling several programs to be running at one time. • The partitions can be composed of a variety of materials and can be sued for a number of purposes.

Praxis Drs. Bernau


Gesamträumliches Konzept für eine Frauenarzpraxis in Plüderhausen bei Schorndorf.
Das räumliche Konzept wurde nach eingehender Untersuchung der spezifischen Bewegungsmuster von Arzt, Patient und Personal entwickelt.

Glücklicherweise konnten wir während der Bauphase Einfluss auf den Grundriss nehmen und so entstand eine massgeschneiderte Lösung mit repräsentativem Entrée auf ca. 140 qm. Neben der Ausstattungskonzeption wurde auch eine visuelle Identität für die Praxis entworfen.