Illustration “kids having fun”, Science Timmins
Science Village – Muster the forces of the young and the elderly.
Elderly people and young children have at least two things in common: they both have interests in learning and they both have time to devote to it. Why not join forces and bring them together?
Timmins Science Village and Autumnwood, Mature Lifestyle Communities will do just that – bringing children and seniors together in a new-age multigenerational learning center that will take science and technology education to the next level. Goal: Create a learning environment where seniors and children benefit from each other >>> Use life experience, imagination and enthusiasm to connect people of all ages. Currently we are working to create a stunning ambiance for both groups under one roof. …where they will share and collaborate as they solve engineering challenges, build, innovate and have fun together.
The former St. Mary’s Hospital property, located in the heart of downtown Timmins, will be completely transformed to include retirement residential apartments. The plan include a multigenerational learning center called the Science Village.
The Science Village will be an integral part of the complex leading the way in the development of intergenerational learning and will offer hands on science and technology programs to families, seniors, school age and pre-school children.
The concept is to create a network of programs supported by flexible and cost effective infrastructure. The first step in the Timmins ScienceVillage implementation of this will be to revitalize an existing downtown Timmins storefront location that has been closed for many years. 10.000 square feet of storefront space will be renovated to create an energetic and fast paced active learning environment for schools, families and general public. The Science Village will revitalize the downtown core, becoming an economic solution by supporting diversified businesses.
Science Village learning activities will take many forms, workshops, shows, demonstrations, drop-in activities designed to amuse and appeal to diverse audiences. This dynamic interior environment will support delivery of a variety of programs. High class design items from ROSSO, KOZIOL, E15 and EXTREMIS will be used to create the highly flexible space for groups and single visitors of different ages and interests.
Design development in progress. The Science Village project will revitalize an existing Downtown Timmins storefront location and turn it into a highly sophisticated “science attraction area”. Restored 19th century copper ceiling meets 21st century design. Approximately 4500 square feet of storefront space will be renovated and fit out to create an energetic and fast paced active learning environment for schools, families and general public. ScienceVillage, Timmins Ont., Canada
Entwicklung der Gesamtgestaltung. Das Science Village Projekt wird ein historisches Gebäude mit Ladenfront in der Innenstadt von Timmins in eine ausgeklügelte Begegnungsstätte für Wissenschaft und Kunst verwandeln. Restaurierte Kupfer-Decken aus dem 19. Jahrhundert treffen auf zeitgenössisches Design. Auf ca. 800 sorgfältig renovierten Quadratmetern wird eine dynamisch-aktive Lernumgebung für Schulen und Familien gestaltet.
Science Village, Timmins – Interior Design Development, 1st step: Definition of general approach
Currently we are working on the design development of a Science Center in a heritage building downtown Timmins, Canada. The challenge: Create a variety of useable spaces for programs that create visual interest and pique curiosity. Recommend a layout which facilitates ease of operation and building functionality.
The proposal is based on the use of a track system to create up to five distinct activity zones for main floor of facility. Using a ceiling mounted track system – partitions can be freely moved and rearranged to create distinct zones.
Advantages: • Curtains can be configured to create zones in different locations and zones of different sizes. Two track system allows overlay of different materials • Temperature control of main entrance can be achieved. • Creates visual interest and makes the space feel larger by making parts of the facility visible and hiding other areas • Can be used as signage system to label workshops and activities • Provides acoustic and visual barriers enabling several programs to be running at one time. • The partitions can be composed of a variety of materials and can be sued for a number of purposes.
Founded in 1969, Science Timmins Inc is a non-profit organization governed by a community based, volunteer board of directors. Science Timmins has a nationally recognized reputation for its high impact, bilingual programming. Building on this programming expertise, Science Timmins, along with its partners will implement its vision of a Science Village for Northeastern Ontario.
Science Timmins will offer programs that will instill the love of Science. Through dynamic and hands-on activities, participants of all ages will be actively involved in learning. They will discover Science in an exciting and enriching environment focused on applications in our daily life. Science Timmins caters to individuals of all ages interested in learning about Science and Technology as applied in their daily life.
Science Timmins is affiliated to many Canadian and International Scientific organizations such as: – Youth Science Foundation Canada (YSFC) – Sci-Tech Ontario (STO) – Canadian Association of Science Centers (CASC) – Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) – Science and Technology Association Network (STAN) – Intel Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)
Together with our partner ZINC Projects we are working on a concept for Science Village right now. There´s more to come, soon.