Redesign / Colour Coding of a rental Space, Lorne St., Sudbury Ontario. Work in Progress.
Tag: Farbkonzept
NGZ Kiel
Interior design. This Pre-Concept of the ground floor was recently presented to the client “Nieren- und Hochdruckzentrum Kiel”. The site concept of this three story building on the campus of the Lubinus-Hospital will be prepared in spring 2017.
Working on the relaunch of the corporate identity of Bioabfallforum.
Welcome Dinner
Design of the new logo and corporate identity for “Welcome Dinner” for Department IV, a division of the Central Administration of the University of Stuttgart
Original Hockey Hall of Fame
Layouts for the wall panels of the new Hockey Hall of Fame Museum. These images will be printed directly on brushed aluminium.
Original Hockey Hall of Fame
Drawings for exhibit system, showing the combination of wall panels and cases. The steel bases for the cabinets (spray painted glossy white MDF) are welded and waiting for installation on site.
ARENA2036 Meet & Greet
State Government, Science and Industry. How things definitely pick up speed! After designing the corporate identity for ARENA2036 earlier this year, we were then asked to plan and create the event celebrating of the incorporation of ARENA2036 in Stuttgart. ARENA2036 just might be the world´s most innovative joint venture: where both the design of the car of the future and its production methods, such as “knitting” bodies with robots, are brought together. The “meet and greet” event was held at a testing facility on the campus of Stuttgart University – more than 150 Vips of the Baden-Wurttemberg State Government, DLR, Fraunhofer Institute, University and industry representatives from Bosch, Daimler, Festo and others. We assisted with obtaining the planing permission and delivered the detailed exhibition design and graphics.
Colour Concept Olga Hospital
Praxis Savasman – colour concept
Praxis Farbkonzept
Corporate identity development for a medical practice. Job includes artwork for logo, guidance system, internet presence, graphic- and interior design, colour concept.
Entwicklung einer Corporate Identity für eine Arztpraxis. Bestandteile des Auftrags sind der Entwurf des Logos, Leitsystem, Graphik-Design, Gesamtgestaltung der Ausstattung und Farbkonzept.